Contents | < Browse | Browse >
This window is made to process single images and to simplify the
creation of complicated Processor-scripts.
Input input image, this field is by default initialized by
Wildfire's intro-picture because it must be always
Frame the current frame
Frames number of frames, this value is only used as maximum
for the scrollbar below
Scrollbar another way to change the current frame number
Test Process execute the current Processor-script using the current
frame-number and display the result
Screenmode select the screenmode used by the "Test Process"-function
Apply Dimensions apply the dimensions of the current input-image to the
selected operator, e.g. if the selected operator is a
Twirl-effect the centre and the radius is set
Preview toggle Preview on/off
Width width of the preview
Depth depth of the preview, if this value exceeds the
screen-depth the screen is updated automatically
Output output-image
Save Image execute the current Processor-script using the current
frame-number and save the result using the saver
selected in the Savers-Window
Save Rendered execute the current Processor-script using the current
frame-number, render it using the settings made
in the Processor-Window and save the result as ILBM-image
Additional Shortcuts:
<v> toggle Preview on/off
<space> Test Process
<left>,<right> decrease/increase the current frame-number
The useful <v>- and <space>-shortcuts are also available from within
every Effect-window and the Processor-Window.